Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life Lesson 1: Running Your Race

Nerves flaring, anxiety rising, race time only minutes away. Weeks of hitting the asphalt and cross training at the gym was about to be put to the test. My first 5k ever!

I tried talking to my husband about this and  that to calm my nerves. But the more I babbled the more I began asking his opinion about the other runners. About how slim they were, how their gear looked, how fast they might be. He finally stopped me and said , "Babe , you'll be fine its not a competition with them. Just do YOUR best. Relax."

You know he was right. His very simple words put so much in perspective for me. Running, like most things in life becomes complicated and overwhelming when we start comparing ourselves with other. Hebrews 12:1 gives me clarity on this principle. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us" (NLT Heb 12:1). As a beginning runner it can be extremely intimidating participating in events or running groups with veterans to the sport. The thing to remember is that your decision to get off the couch, train after long days of work, sign up, show up, and run is an accomplishment in itself.

As I ran that day I constantly fought the urge to compare my speed with others. What helped me was focusing on catching up one person at a time and walking at the water stop no matter who passed by. My last  burst of motivation was seeing my husband at the finish line, smiling with our camera ready. I completed my first 5k in 29:07. This is slow to most but at the time it was a PR for me.

Like others I occasionally wrestle with comparisons. However, the more I train, participate in events, and focus on my affirmation in Hebrews 12:1 the better become at running my own race.


Semper Inspired Runner Girl

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