Monday, October 29, 2012
Monday Moto: Right on Time
I found this especially timely since the hurricane has made the weather terrible and my motivation to run outdoors very low. Somedays you have to train at any cost not matter how lack luster you may feel.
Or in some cases you may be hesitating to run with new friends because they are faster than you. At any rate go out and do your best this week. Even if its slow, its better than not at all. Happy training and healthy trails.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Faster Friends: Found a Good Running Buddy

As I've mentioned in some of past post, I 've been on the hunt for a good group of runners and a running buddy. The past two months of my journey in Jacksonville have finally led me to two groups of runners that I have enjoyed meeting and befriending. These groups are the Women's Running Club of Jacksonville and Asphalt Junkies. Both groups have runners with a variety of ability levels.
Out of the groups I have found a friend who is patient enough to allow my walk breaks but steady and fast enough to push me beyond my comfort zone. When looking for a choosing a friend to run with I would suggest, choosing someone with similar goals and a little more experience. When you have similar goals you and your partner will hold each other accountable for sticking to those goals. For example, my partner and I struggled with hills in the last events we completed. Therefore, our goal is to incorporate hill repeats at least once a week. Since she is more experience she reminds of things to remember about my form, such as leaning forward going uphill and leaning slightly back going down.
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One of my morning buddies a predawn run. |
I've found that the best aspect of having a faster partner is just having someone to motivate you when all you want to do is walk. Its not just about having a person be your personal drill instructor, but having them there is motivation to not slow down, or to push harder when your tempo runs get tough.
Hitting the pavement with other motivated runners is great but can be intimated when everyone is faster and more experienced. So be sure to be open, talk to others to see what goals you have in common, and don't be afraid to link up with a friend with a little more speed so that you can meet your goals. Remember iron sharpens iron. Happy Training!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Monday MoTO!": Funny and True
Be careful to stay in balance before you over do the intensity on the treadmill, pavement, or in the gym. Listen to your body so that you can train longer and remain injury-free. Zeal is great but over zealousness can be a determent to your fitness goals. So have a fun and fit week, stay motivated, and attentive to your bodies needs. Happy training and health trails!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Monday Moto!
Enough said keep it moving this Monday. Every step off the couch and into your running shoes is a step in the right direction. Stay motivated and happy training!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Life Lesson 5: Remember Your Why
"Its so easy to hit a wall in a run. Whether your at mile 2 or a 5k or mile 20 in a marathon."I read this quote from a motivational article in Women's Running Magazine. It inspired me to write about the next life lesson running has taught me. Its remembering why. Our why can get so lost in PR's and competing, and comparisons. In my Christian walk I have to remember who I serve and what pleases Him. He cares nothing for vanity but about your heart condition.
Every year around the middle of October, I am reminded of one reason why I restarted my health and running journey. I walk the light the night walk for Leukemia and Lymphomia. 3 years ago in August my mother called me, on the way to my new job and told me she had Leukemia. My heart dropped and my world was rocked. Context to all of this my sister was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost a year prior to this.
These diagnoses pushed me to take a hard look at my life and re-examine everything I consumed physically and mentally. Seeing the people closest to me suffer from sickness made me choose health on purpose. It became a way for me to support and motivate them to keep fighting.It is that moment, that memory in my mind I that revisit to put the disappointments into perspective. I have been given the ability have full use of my legs, lungs, and back. So how silly is it that I let the number on the clock, give me a mental block.
Every year around the middle of October, I am reminded of one reason why I restarted my health and running journey. I walk the light the night walk for Leukemia and Lymphomia. 3 years ago in August my mother called me, on the way to my new job and told me she had Leukemia. My heart dropped and my world was rocked. Context to all of this my sister was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost a year prior to this.
These diagnoses pushed me to take a hard look at my life and re-examine everything I consumed physically and mentally. Seeing the people closest to me suffer from sickness made me choose health on purpose. It became a way for me to support and motivate them to keep fighting.It is that moment, that memory in my mind I that revisit to put the disappointments into perspective. I have been given the ability have full use of my legs, lungs, and back. So how silly is it that I let the number on the clock, give me a mental block.
When I hit a wall in the middle of race, at the Women's Only it was at mile 2.9 at the Wounded Warrior half it was mile 11.5 I think of my mother and sister's faces. When I begin to criticize my running time, become critical of my strength, agility, or start losing my zeal for it all I go back to why. Running, although beneficial for me, is bigger than me. Its for my sister Yalonda, for my survivor mother, Carlottie, it for those who want to use their legs to walk but can't.
I must remember that it was a desire God put in my heart to encourage, inspire, and motivate others to be good stewards over the bodies God has given them. So as you continue to pursue running and health let get back to basic. Lets continue to remember our why.
I must remember that it was a desire God put in my heart to encourage, inspire, and motivate others to be good stewards over the bodies God has given them. So as you continue to pursue running and health let get back to basic. Lets continue to remember our why.
(Left to Right) My Aunts Ngozi and Brenda, myself, and my( "why") mother at the 2012 Raleigh Light the Night walk. |
My sister, my reason why, and me (2012) . |
Monday, October 8, 2012
Monday Moto!
Definitely motivated me this morning during my run. Hitting the finish line is important, but all the effort it took to get there is equally important. Celebrate your efforts folks and keep pushing to be your personal best. Happy training and healthy trails!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Race Results: Women's Only 5k
Signing the Care Link Mobile Truck for friends touched by breast cancer. |
I didn't reach my PR of 25 minutes (sigh), my offical time was 27:22. Even thou my cardio trainer app clocked me at 26:50. On the bright side, for my age category (30-34) I placed 13th out of 365 women. Overall I was 99th out of 3167 ladies. So in the spirit of keeping it positive I must pat myself on the back.
So what did I learn. First I must work hills back into my routine once a week. Second I will continue my timed miles and running with my group. Third, I rememered to celebrate my successes. I will be honest and say that seeing my time on paper was dissappointing but it wasn't all about times and numbers. I supported a worthy cause, reunite with friends, spend the day with my favorite guy, and do one of my favorite things... run. This will definitely be an event I participate in again next year.
I.R.G. ProFile: Janice Lewis

This month's Inspired
runner girl is the perfect picture of a life long runner. California native and Marine wife, Janice Lewis is October's I.R.G. (Inspired Runner Girl). Janice has lived in many places including Arizona and Colorado; and has only incurred one major running injury in her running history. She married in 1975, while her husband was on leave in his hometown of, Palmetto Fl. She not only gained a life partner at the time, but I life long love for running.
Lexx:How long have you
been running? What got you into it initally?
Jan:Started running after
I met my husband in 1975. He was 26 and
I was 25. He loved sports I would go and
take pictures of him. Then he bought me my first pair of Nike Waffle
trainers. They were so expensive for
that time frame in my life, I felt I had to use them. (Humor in the last statement), I was trading the bad habit of smoking to a new
habit of running. He was supporting my
Lexx: What are some other things you do to stay fit and
Jan: Zumba, Body Pump and
casual biking not competitive biking.
Lexx: What inspires you to run?
Jan: Getting up early,(feeling) blessed with another day of good health, getting out the door and jump starting another day. My day is just not the same if I can't get a run in. I want to stay healthy to enjoy my family in my older years.
Lexx:What has been the
biggest key to your longevity in running?
Jan: Hard to explain after
30+ years of running, I would have to
say the joy of being outside. The way
running can put your life into perspective, it became a lifestyle. I have
started to do yoga for runners routines, now, as I age.
One thing I have to say though, my best memories and motivated times have been when I could run with running groups. Young or old, kids no kids, I just love being able to run with others, women primarily.
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Janice (on right) at the BonnieBell Race 1975 with her first child. |
One thing I have to say though, my best memories and motivated times have been when I could run with running groups. Young or old, kids no kids, I just love being able to run with others, women primarily.
Lexx: What was the first race you ever?
Jan: It was a race in SC,
1977 can't remember the name of it.
Lexx: What has been your
favorite distance to do (ex 5k, 10K, half or full) and Why?
Jan :Honestly I think the
half is a nice race. Don't have to run
at such a speedy pace but feels like such an accomplishment for me when it is
done. The full marathon takes up a lot
of my time to train for. I may still
have another one in me thou.
Lexx: What are some things
you do to train for long distance events?
Jan: Drink more water . I like supplementing organic barley, nutritional yeast, and a daily vitamin.
I also eat many small amounts of healthy
food whenever I get hungry. Small portions, high fiber, low sugar, and protein
Lexx: I know you have lived
in several different cities. What has been your favorite place to run and why?
Jan: San Diego, CA. because it has plenty of health food stores. I love the climate, no humidity and the terrain. Hills or flat whatever you want,
you can find. (There were also) great women running
groups with the the time I was there. 1978, my husband was a Drill Instructor and had very
little time to help watch our child so I would take my daughter to the sitter
there, and then meet up with the other ladies.
Lexx: Do you have any dream
races, that you'd like to do but haven't? For example The Boston Marathon or
the Eclipse Marathon in Australia (doesn't have to be these any that you could
think of).
Jan: There used to be a
Marathon in the Red Woods Forest of California not even sure if it still
exist... or the race near Niagara Falls
through Canada. Somewhere scenic. Always beware when the route says scenic, by
the way......Hills Hills Hills. I love
the mountains but, realistically maybe the
OBX Marathon.
Lexx: What if any advice
would you offer to other new women runners?
Jan: Set goals but
be flexible, don't beat yourself up over a bad run day. Run with a
faster partner sometimes. Do not do too
much too soon. Don't increase distance,
speed work and hills all at once. (Finally), as you
age continue to enjoy your level of running and forget what you used to
do. Just continue "to do".
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Training Log: Strength Training
Twice a week I incorporate strength training into my routine. The past month I've devoted a day to upper and core, and one two lower for 35 to 45 minutes after a run session or as second workout for the day. Strength training improves your endurance and can help you prevent injury. Since my injury in May I make sure I don't skip out on my strength days, especially lower body day.
Note to newbies be sure to include exercises that strengthen your glutes and perform one-legged exercises. Day to day walking makes you work your hammies and quads but your glutes are truly under utilized. Well that's what I discovered about myself. I have one side that misfires and puts extra stress on my back and shortens my hip flexors. My chiropractor and doctor gave me some physical therapy stretches to do, which have strengthen my weak areas.
According corrective exercise specialist, Mike Robertson on bilateral lower-body exercises such as squats and deadlifts are great for strengthening your lower-body muscles. However, single-leg exercises are better for preventing injuries. The unbalanced nature of single leg exercises like split squats, will increase your balance, proprioception, and joint strength much more quickly when focusing on unilateral movements over bilateral ones.
Below I have included a sample of one my workouts from the last week. When I can't make it to the gym to do my own workout, I am a faithful p90x fan. I have already gone through the 90 day process so I use the dvds to focus on what I choose for the day. The legs and back dvd as well as the Core Synergisitcs dvd have awesome routines that really help work all the lower body muscles you need for running.
Circuit One (repeated 3 times)
Curtsie Lunges 10- 12 each leg (12 -15 lb weight)
Wall Squats 1minute
Step Ups on stool 8-10 reps each leg leads holding 10lb dumbbell
Circuit Two (repeated 3 times)
3 way lungs (front, side, and back directions) each leg 12 lbs 8reps each leg
Bridge on yoga ball 3 sets 8-10 reps
Squat with calf raise 10- 12 reps
One legged deadlift 10-12 reps each leg
Note to newbies be sure to include exercises that strengthen your glutes and perform one-legged exercises. Day to day walking makes you work your hammies and quads but your glutes are truly under utilized. Well that's what I discovered about myself. I have one side that misfires and puts extra stress on my back and shortens my hip flexors. My chiropractor and doctor gave me some physical therapy stretches to do, which have strengthen my weak areas.
According corrective exercise specialist, Mike Robertson on bilateral lower-body exercises such as squats and deadlifts are great for strengthening your lower-body muscles. However, single-leg exercises are better for preventing injuries. The unbalanced nature of single leg exercises like split squats, will increase your balance, proprioception, and joint strength much more quickly when focusing on unilateral movements over bilateral ones.
Below I have included a sample of one my workouts from the last week. When I can't make it to the gym to do my own workout, I am a faithful p90x fan. I have already gone through the 90 day process so I use the dvds to focus on what I choose for the day. The legs and back dvd as well as the Core Synergisitcs dvd have awesome routines that really help work all the lower body muscles you need for running.
Circuit One (repeated 3 times)
Curtsie Lunges 10- 12 each leg (12 -15 lb weight)
Wall Squats 1minute
Step Ups on stool 8-10 reps each leg leads holding 10lb dumbbell
Circuit Two (repeated 3 times)
3 way lungs (front, side, and back directions) each leg 12 lbs 8reps each leg
Bridge on yoga ball 3 sets 8-10 reps
Squat with calf raise 10- 12 reps
One legged deadlift 10-12 reps each leg
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Wall Squats |
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One legged-deadlift starting position |
Ending position one legged deadlift |
Race Day Countdown: Women's Only 5k

I 'm truly excited to go back to my old stomping, Greensboro. However, I'm even more excited to reunite with my BGR-G sisters (Black Girls Run- Greensboro). According to their facebook page there are 58 members who have committed to go. Running with them will definitely keep me motivated to make my 25 minute PR.
This week my training consisted of a long run on Sunday, core yoga on Monday, two mile timed run and lower body strength Tuesday, iron yoga Wednesday, and an easy run today. I feel really confident going into this race knowing that I listened to my body, stretched, and saved my legs where I needed. I always say the key to a good race day is a great mind set grounded in a positive attitude. I'm going to keep my PR goal and a mental picture of all the fun to be had afterwards in the forefront of my mind. Can't wait to update you on the outcomes! Happy Racing All!
Semper Inspired Runner Girl
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Me and my BGR-G sisters before the Coopers Bridge Run March 2012. |
Monday, October 1, 2012
Get out there and hit the pavement, the trails, the gym, the workplace, whatever you must face and be your best at it and in it. Remember with Him all things are possible. He's already conquered it all so, keep the faith, do your best, and forget the rest.
Semper Inspired Runner Girl
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