Tuesday, August 28, 2012

S.I.R.G; Fall Race Season

I love doing races. It keeps me motivated and the training keeps me in great shape. September begins the Fall race season for me. My goal is to do one event each month till the end of the year. I had my heart set on the Tunnel to Towers run in Jacksonville  but with my funds and time schedule I don't know if I will make it. 

At any rate S.I.R.G readers, my goal PR is 25 minutes for my next 5k. Ill be using the fitness magazine training schedule to prepare. I'm four weeks out from the Tunnel to Towers 5k so wish me luck! Ill be posting the results of my training days on my daily mile widget, this may be helpful to all my beginner friends. Beginners make sure you have a speed work, a long run, hills, and easy run mixed in your plans. I'm on week one day two of the plan, which included surges.

For my more experienced runners let me know what training plans you are using to prepare for your next race so we can compare notes. Happy training all! Til next time.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Training Solo: Tips for Staying Motivated

Its always great to train for an event or get your daily exercise with a partner. But if you are like me your location or schedule may not lend itself to opportunities to train with others. If you have run long enough you know that some days its harder to find the drive to lace up and get out the door. So in the midst of a long run on a unmotivated morning I was inspired to share my tips on training solo.

Check your play list: I try to keep my play list on my phone updated with upbeat songs. Listening to the same songs for too long can throw you into a funk when you are solo on the road. Different beats and rhythms help me to speed up or pace myself accordingly. Currently I'm jamming to "Starships" by Nikki Minaj, "Hurt Somebody" by Akon, and "Tambourine" by Eve.

Get a change of scenery: Not only do the same old songs dampen my mood, but so does running in the same locations. A fresh change of scenery's can inspire you. I am lucky enough to have access to several spot to run along New River and Onslow Beach. If you do not have access to landmarks as scenic this, alternate between parks and trails in your area.

Hit the trail at a busy running time: Run during busier times at the park help me push myself beyond my comfort zone. Don't try to keep up with other people to the point that you hurt yourself. Try catching up one person at the time or find a runner with great form and take mental notes. Iron sharpens iron.

Keep your gear with you at all times: A busy work day can absorb your motivation to work out. Try packing your gym bag and bringing it into the office or building so you can't wiggle your way into an excuse and out of your sneakers.

Sign up for and event with a cause close to your heart: This has been one of my top sources of motivation since I moved to a new city. Causes dear to my heart include supporting military personnel and their families, education, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma society to name a few. There is nothing more inspiring that running for those who cant because of illness or injury. More over you get the opportunity to donate your time and money to help others.

Tell family and friends about your efforts: After a long day of work and PT my husband is too tired to get in a run with me. However, he's always my biggest cheerleader at events and offers encouragement when I've had a disappointing training run. I also let  my siblings, parents, and facebook friends know when I'm running. You'd be surprised how a motivational text, email, or phone call can boost your morale.

These are just a few tips that keep me going until I find a consistent running buddy. Hopefully they can be a help to you to. Till next time. Stay inspired and happy trails.

Lexx  Cieckieiwicz

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I.R.G. ProFile: Fit Chick Bebe Ramzah

This blog was created with the idea of motivating the everyday women. What better way to inspire; than by sharing stories of women determined to live healthy lifestyles and pay forward that motivation. This month’s I.R.G. (Inspired Runner Girl) is Greensboro running coach, group exercise instructor, and Fit Chicks Movement creator, Bebe Ramzah.

S.I.R.G :How long have you been consistently working out?
Bebe: I have been consistently working out for over 4 years. I had been struggling with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) since I was 19 years old after a visit to the emergency room with elevated blood pressure I took the advice of the doctor and started working out 4-5 days a week.
S.I.R.G : Has your condition improved?
Bebe: Definitely, I was taking 3 different medications to control my high blood pressure before I started my health and fitness journey. Today after committing to living a fit and healthy lifestyle I am just on one medication. My blood pressure no longer runs me I RUN IT!
S.I.R.G: What has been you biggest challenge and your biggest accomplishment in reaching your health goals?
Bebe: My biggest challenge has been eating right and watching my sodium intake. Its really hard to plan meals and find the time to cook healthy meals sometimes. Especially when there are so many options out their at the drive thru and they are so convenient. I try to plan my means and make healthier choices when I have to grab a meal from a restaurant.
My biggest accomplishment would have to be my non-profit 501(c) organization Fit Chicks Movement. I love the fact that I am able to reach girls and teach them the importance of living a fit and healthy lifestyle and share my love for running with them.
S.I.R.G: What inspires you to run?
Bebe: I am inspired by those who have had to overcome obstacles in life and still push to be the best. I am inspired to run by those who can't run do to health or other reasons. I run for those who struggle with chronic illness and who aren't as fortunate as myself to be able to get up, lace up, and hit the pavement.
S.I.R.G: What's the greatest message you try to pass to the ladies of Fit Chicks?
Bebe: That is it so important to start now and make exercise and proper nutrition a part of your everyday life. It’s about prevention not waiting until you are borderline diabetic or dealing with high blood pressure. That it’s not about a diet or a pill. It’s about watching what you eat and getting up, out, and on the move!
S.I.R.G.: What’s your favorite crossing training activity?

Bebe: Circuit Training class because it pushes me.
S.I.R.G: What’s the longest distance you’ve ever run/walked?
Bebe: 11 miles plus of straight running. Currently training for my first 1/2 marathon (Vegas Rock and Roll Half Marathon) after a couple of injury set backs.
S.I.R.G: Whats your ultimate race goal? For example half, full, ultra?
Bebe: Currently my focus is just on my half in December. After dealing with a couple of injuries and set backs I have learned to take one day and race at a time.
S.I.R.G: What are 3 songs you must have on your playlist.
Bebe: Lupe Fiasco - Show goes on. Rhianna -Fly and Jay Z - Forever Young

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Motivation!

I was so inspired to see him run this weekend in the Olympics! When you think things are to hard, keep pushing and think again!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Trails and Healthy Travels

In light of my upcoming mini-birthday vacation I was inspired to share my personal tips on healthy traveling. Vacations are great but if you are not careful you can ruin a healthy routine and spend alot of money in the process. I firmly believe you can indulge without completely getting off track and going broke.

Plan your snacks ahead

One thing that can totally can consume your caloric day and your wallet are snacks. During road trips instead of buying sodas and chips at the gas stations I pack a small tote full of food. My tote includes apples, bananas, nuts, bottled water, low calorie or sugar free juice, and sports drinks. I also keep a freezer pack for my frozen goods and yogurt. Be sure to purchase goods that have no msg, are low in sodium, and no preservatives. I usually pack enough to bring enjoy while laying out at the beach.

Research your destination for places to workout.

If I'm traveling for more than two days I try make sure that I include exercise into my schedule.  I try to choose hotels with a fitness center, take a run on the beach, or find physical activities that are specific to my destination. For example, if your going to the beach or lake see if there are kayaking tours or paddle boarding. If you are traveling to the mountains look into hiking. These things can make your trip memorable and offer great photo ops.

Pack Smart

If you are on any medications be sure to bring them with you. I also bring my supplements, particularly papaya and acidophilus. Papaya and acidophilius are great for digestion and upset stomach. Vacations are a great time to dine out but with a variety of different food comes increased opportunities for an upset stomach. I also make sure a pack my sunscreen, workout gear, and any other skin care products I need.

These tips have saved me time and money. Hopefully they can work for you. Stay inspired, happy trails, and healthy travels.

Lexx Cieckiewicz

Life Lesson 2: Recover with Pateince

If you work out long enough injuries arebound to occur. However, it can feel as if you loose your mojo by the minute, when your injury restricts your running. "Recovery is essential to aid the rehabilitation process but the loss of physical activity in your life can create a psychological state that has been likened to the grieving process"(Purves, 2011). If not careful you can make the mistake of getting back into your training routine to soon, which can prolong your recovery and rehabilition period.I have definitely been guilty of this.

As I trained for my first half marathon I used the Galloway walk/ run method. This was a 4:1 minute ration, but on race day my adreline kicked in and so did my ego. I couldn't possibly walk when it seemed that everyone was running. So I ran/walked at a ratio of 10:1. Mile 11-13 were brutal and my thighs and hip flexor were  feeling the pain. When the race was over and my body finally rested, I felt pain in my inner thigh but I shurrged it off as fatigue. One week later I attempted a 2 mile easy run and incurred the same pain, but with twice the intensity.  So after a trip to my doctor I discovered I had a pulled a groin muscle. Yes, girls pull those too.

My biggest mistake was not seeing the doctor at the onset of my pain. According to doctors at the University of Templar's Medical Technology Center, clinical examination should be carried out immediately after the injury and 5-7 days after the initial trauma. During this time the severity of the injury can be assessed more reliably. If I would have talked to my doctor and chiropractor first, he could have told me the best way to restart the training process.

My second mistake was rushing back into running when my body wasn't ready. According to William Faubion, M.D in the article "Proper Recovery from Injury is the Key to Running Again", two weeks can be taken off completely without negative effects. During this time lower impact exercises, like elliptical training, swimming, pool running can be performed. My rehab plan included lots of stabilizing exercises, pilates, yoga, foam rolling, and spin classes. When I took group exercise classes I was sure to tell the instructors of my injury and they gave me modifications. Your instructors are trained professionals so make sure you utilize their knowledge. RICE(Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) was also a part of my daily routine.

Returning to running/ jogging, was a little frustrating because I couldn't run at the intensity I wanted. My times were slower and my long runs were much shorter than what I wanted to accomplish. However, I had to keep in mind the patience would was key to recovering well.


Proper Recover from Injury is the Key to Running AgainMuscle Injuries
Post Muscle Injury Recovery
Muscle Injuries (PubMed.gov)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Motivation!!

Get moving today folks! Do it whether you're preparing for a special event, or molding your new healthy life style. A step into your workout shoes is a step in the right direction!