Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Runner Girl Beginnings

A year ago couldn’t have made me believe that running would not only become a frequent part of my exercise routine but a way of growing spiritually, and a pastime close to my heart. After all, I had never run more than two miles at a time. Health and fitness were a huge part of my life. I was on a majority plant based diet, lifted weights, did interval classes, yoga, and aerobics at least 5 times a week.  Running, however, was just too hard. After all I wasn’t the typical runner. You know super skinny and really fast. Moreover I didn’t see many African-American women distance runners.

It wasn’t until after my husband deployed, which puts most military wives (productive ones anyway) in total accomplishment mode, that I was introduced to the wonderful ladies of BGR-G. During my first run/walk not only did I run the first two miles without stopping I completed 5.4 miles that day.  This gave me such a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment that I had to have more. Not only was I inspired to see women, black women, who looked just like me gathering to be healthy. I saw women of all shapes, sizes and ability levels encouraging each other to run. Since this faithful Saturday in July of 2011, (however unconventional I may seem ), I became a self-proclaimed runner girl.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you baby sis, you are my inspiration.
