Monday, December 31, 2012

Final Moto for 2012

Everyday is an opportunity to live your best life now. If you fall short of your goals make a decision to pick your self  up and make baby steps toward your mark. After all doing what you've always done will get you what you already have. My prayer is that each person reading this site made great efforts and progress toward living a healthier and balanced life this year. If you didn't, use this moment to set goals for a new life (not a resolution) for 2013. Make your goals realistic, obtainable, and manageable. God bless you and yours. Happy new years and a healthy journey into 2013.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Adjusting fitness for Life Changes

The first trimester comes with more changes that one could ever imagine. The biggest change is the constant tiredness and food aversion. It seems that our little blessing has decided that anything healthy on mommy’s normal eating schedule was out of the question. (Atleast up until week 7).

On the flip side, thinking ahead and educating myself has paid off. Literature from my doctor, baby, and fit pregnancy has all helped me discovery that even in pregnancy running and exercise are my friends.  Since the baby is using most of what I consume to grow, I’m left with very little energy. After I fight the urge to take an extra nap after work I hit the gym. Magically my nausea and tiredness are abated until the next day.
Since this is the only time in my life where gaining weight instead of losing at a healthy rate is required, I focus more on maintaining than competing. I am also taking advance of this non-competition to take more fun classes. The goal over all is to keep moving and get the energy for day-to day activities for me and my baby. Below are typical workout weeks before and during  pregnancy.
As the weeks and months proceed I’m sure that my physical changes will require further adjusting to this schedule. However, I’m totally confident that I will keep hitting the treadmill or pavement until the baby or the doctor says stop. After all, fitness is a lifestyle and I intend on passing it on to our addition.
Pre- Pregrancy  Training
Sunday- Rest or Yoga
Monday-3-4 mi. Easy Run
Tuesday- Strength  Training (upper body) 1hr
Wed- Tempo Run or Speed work (3-6 miles) and Zumba
Thursday-Strength Training (lower body) 1 hr
Saturday-Long Run (6-9 miles)
Pregnancy Maintenance
Monday- Easy Run (2-3 miles) or yoga
Tuesday- Strength Training  
Wednesday- Zumba or Step class
Thursday- 30 minute jog and 20 minutes or strength training
Friday- Rest or Power Yoga
Saturday- Zumba
Sunday- Yoga or Rest

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Moto!

Dont wait for the holidays to pass or the new year to start to get started, or restarted on living healthy. Everyday is not promised so make the best of  your today. Walk until you jog, jog until you can run, dance, ride a bike, or whatever you like to do. Just get started and be fit! Happy Holidays and Healthy Training!

 - Lexx

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Moto!

Even if it means hitting the tredmill keep up with your running routine. The cold mornings and evenings make it rough, but losing what you work so hard to build (speed, stamina, strength, lost inches) is even tougher! Happy Training!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Fitness 5k : Race Season 2012 Wrapped Up

This weekend I completed The Physical Therapy Clinics Merry Fitness 5k. I gathered with the ladies of the Womens Running Club to do one last event for the year. My goal at the beginning of the fall season was to complete a 5k in 25 minutes. Well I didn't make my goal this year partly because pregnancy has slowed me down. The past two weeks have also been filled with a minor back strain, constant nausea, and a head cold. I knew going into the event that I hadn't done my normal training so I made up my mind to just finish strong. For the first time I can say that I completed a race merely for the fun of it.

I finished in 30:11 seconds. My average pace 9:56, which is slow. Never the less, I ran the entire time and wasnt winded. It really helped seeing the kids put their best foot forward and having my running group mates there to motivate each other.

Merry Fitness 5k was a great family event. Money raised benfited Girls on the Run of Wilmington. There were lots children particpating with youth groups, schools, and with thier parents. Its always great to see kids getting outdoors and running. People dressed up as elves and in Christmas colors, which created a festive atmosphere.

Running for Two

So its been quite some time since I have updated the blog. My apologies to all my friends and readers. Three weeks ago I found out we  (my husband and I) were having a baby. The news came with much excitement and with some physical changes.

I knew that pregnancy would make me tired but I didn't realize how much it would affect my running. At my around nine weeks my pace has definitely slowed. Part of this is due to hormonal changes but the other part is because my eating is not what it was a month ago. Truthfully I haven't been eating nearly as many veggies but and eating out more carbs than normal because of the morning sickness. As  a result feel heavy when I run. My brain is saying move faster but my legs aren't listening.

Despite my urge to lay down, I've managed to keep the fitness train moving. In doing so I've been able to combat some of my morning/ afternoon nausea and some of the exhaustion associated with it. While I still have more growing and changing to do as running mama to be there are a few things that I do to keep myself motivated and encouraged on the pavement.
  1. Run with friends- running with my group has motivated me to get out and run when sleep is calling me.
  2. Listen to my body- I've been a little discouraged because I'm moving slower but my motto new  is better slow than not at all. If I feel good I push, if I'm tired I shuffle or walk  until I reach my time or distance goal for the day. 
  3. Keep my routine fresh - More than before I try to incorporate different group exercise classes and use exercise on demand videos to keep my mind motivated.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Energy Reset: Dr. Oz 3 day detox challenege

In light of a minor back injury and the fact that I have been eating less than acceptable because of the holiday weekend, I decided to push the restart part button on my eating. I caught the Dr. Oz  show yesterday, (which by the way is my favorite daytime show) and he shared a plan for a three-day detox. Although the lunch shake doesn't sound appetizing I think its worth a shot to get my energy level back to where it should be and clean myself of all the processed foods I've been eating the last week. I'll try to post how each day went in the comment section.I have most of the ingredients on the list but well see how my blender works with the celery and cucumber.

Day one wasn't as bad a I thought the morning and lunch smoothie were doable. For dinner however I didn't have the opportunity to get to the store to do get all the ingredients. Instead I had a salad with tomato and onions,and some kale. My energy level was great throughout the the day and I wasn't hungry like I thought I would be. Goal for day two get that last shake in.

Day 2
Day two I did great with breakfast and most of my lunch shake, but I got very sick the rest of the week. I wasn't able to finish the challenge. But I did enjoy the shakes for the most part and my energy was great until being hit with a bug. I would definitely recommend the 3 day challenge especially with the holidays coming up. After all the unhealthy yumminess you may partake in you may need a dietary reboot.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Moto! Keep Pushing!

Don't just get moving today ladies and gents, move with your best effort in mind! Happy Monday!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I.R.G.: ProFile: Pamela Lister Bright

This month's I.R.G. has accomplished some much in a little over a year of running. Pamela Lister Bright began running October 2011, after suffering a back injury in a car accident in August of 2011. Due to her injury she was unable to do high impact classes at the gym and began looking for activites outdoors. Pamela shares her motivation, and how to she went from only running 3-5 miles at a time to completeing her first 26.2 at the Raleigh City of Oaks Marathon.

Lexx: What peaked your interest in running?
Pamela: I was just looking for something to challenge me and to help keep me fit and healthy. I did a google search and found Black Girls Run.
Lexx: What motivated you to enter your first marathon?
Pamela: I decided to do a marathon after being tickled pink with doing a half. I just wanted to be able to say I did one.
(Pamela has completed several half marathons including the Baltimore Half Marathon and the Divas Half in Myrtle Beach).
Lexx: What was the most difficult aspect of training?
Pamela:The most difficult aspect of training was the long distance running and learning what pace would work for me.
Lexx: What were things you did to mentally prepare  for  the race ?
Pamela: To prepare for the race mentally I prayed a lot. I held on to the saying “Mind Over Miles”. My mom passed away almost two years ago and I got her angel wings put on the back of my race shirt. That gave me an extra boost too.
Lexx:What do you do for cross training?

Pamela: For cross training I do weight training, I like to ride my bike, water aerobics, walking and I take some aerobics classes (body pump, body attack and zumba).
Lexx: What do you feel are the most important benefits of running?
Pamela: The most important benefits of running for me. Running helps me to clear my mind. It allows me to be free and to push myself to the limit. It gives me confidence to know I can do anything I put my mind to.
Lexx: Every runner has a wall or stagnant point. What do you feel yours has been?
Pamela: My biggest wall has been to learning my pace and not starting out to fast when I race. Not getting caught up in the energy of take off.
Lexx: Whats one lesson running has taught you?
Pamela: Running has taught me anything is possible. I can do anything I make my mind up to do.
Lexx: Do you have a dream destination race you'd like to do?

Pamela: I would love to do the Disney full.
Lexx: What are some of your favorite pre-race and post race foods?
Pamela: I drink the Energy Fizz sticks by Arbonne pre-race. I also like to eat the Marathon energy snicker protein bar before the race. Afterwards I do another Fizz, bananas, protein, and pasta.
Lexx: What is one thing you advise new runners to do to be successful?
Pamela: I advise new runners to learn the only person you are running against is yourself. Run your own race at your own pace.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Moto!

No matter how fast or slow, how skinny or thickyou are, and no matter your color never be discouraged to run because you dont fit the mold. I once saw a quote that said black women are fat because they want to be. I saw another that said they we dont run long distances. I'm proud and blessed to go out everyday and tear down those generalization. Run for health, for fun, for whatever your reason, keep going. You're a runner as long as you run.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Runner on a budget: Gear I love

My new pre-dawn run obession and seasonal temperature change has prompted me to share my favorite fall gear for less. Yes, the big name brands come with high quality but most of the time they also come with a higher price. My thought is way pay $60 for something when I can be 30 percent less and still have good quality.

The first item on my budget list is a headlamp for early morning or late evening runs. The local sporting good chain (rhyming with six) prices headlamps from $9.99-$69.99. However, I got the Coleman brand in the sporting sections at Walmart for $7.88, saving me anywhere from $2.11-$62.11. The one I purchased comes with batteries and a lifetime guarantee on the LED lights.

The next items I love are dri-fit longsleeve shirts and long sleeve compression shirts.  I love these for the fall and winter because they absorb sweat really well and keep you warm without having to wear a jacket.Again Walmart and Marshalls have been my saving grace. Both stores carry Starter brand, but  be sure to check the men's section, ladies. For the compression shirts you want to make sure you get at least one size larger than you actually wear. I made that mistake last year by buying a small and I nearly squeezed myself to pieces.

Going to either WallyWorld(Walmart) or Marshalls I spend around $12.00 on the tops and each retailer carries a decent color selection. The big name sporting good stores prices the tops anywhere from $30-$120.  Some would argue that the more expensive brands have a better quality or more features but I have had one of my tops for over a year and its been washed quite frequently. Despite this my tops have not worn thin, ripped, faded, or shrank. 

One last money saving tip that's helped me, is store browsing and Amazon shopping. I personally have strict rule about buying shoes, which is trying them on before buying. Asics are my absolute favorite, and after getting a list of the best shoes for my foot type from Runners I knew I had to get the Blur 33's. The retail price on the list and in the stores in my area was between $85-$95. While this is not expensive, every dollar counts when you're on a budget. I found the same shoe on for $69, shipping included.

In closing if you have the extra money to spend on expensive gear do it. I've indulged in my share of higher end running accessories from time to time. However, if your looking to indulge without breaking the bank hopefully some of my methods will be helpful to you.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Moto: Right on Time

I found this especially timely since the hurricane  has made the weather terrible and my motivation to run outdoors very low. Somedays you have to train at any cost not matter how lack luster you may feel.

Or in some cases you may be hesitating to run with new friends because they are faster than you. At any rate go out and do your best this week. Even if its slow, its better than not at all. Happy training and healthy trails.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Faster Friends: Found a Good Running Buddy

As I've mentioned in some of past post, I 've been on the hunt for a good group of runners and a running buddy. The past two months of my journey in Jacksonville have finally  led me to two groups of runners that I have enjoyed meeting and befriending. These groups are the Women's Running Club of Jacksonville and Asphalt Junkies. Both groups have runners with a variety of ability levels.

Out of the groups I have found a friend who is patient enough to allow my walk breaks but steady and fast enough to push me beyond my comfort zone.  When looking for a choosing a friend to run with I would suggest, choosing someone with similar goals and a little more experience. When you have similar goals you and your partner will hold each other accountable for sticking to those goals.  For example, my partner and I struggled with hills in the last events we completed. Therefore, our goal is to incorporate hill repeats at least once a week. Since she is more experience she reminds of things to remember about my form, such as leaning forward going uphill and leaning slightly back going down.

One of my morning buddies a predawn run.
The next benefit of finding a good partner is schedule flexibility. My partner and I are able to accommodate each others schedules for the most part. As member of the both groups we  can post runs on the group sites. However, if no else can make the times we are still consistent  about calling each other and meeting to achieve are mutual training goals.

I've found that the best aspect of having a faster partner is just having someone to motivate you when all you want to do is walk.  Its not just about having a person be your personal drill instructor, but having them there is motivation to not slow down, or to push harder when your tempo runs get tough.

Hitting the pavement with other motivated runners is great but can be intimated when everyone is faster and more experienced. So be sure to be open, talk to others to see what goals you have in common, and don't be afraid to link up with a friend with a little more speed so that you can meet your goals. Remember iron sharpens iron. Happy Training!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Monday MoTO!": Funny and True

How many times do we over do it on the positive things to the extent that it becomes out of balance, and we wind up injuring ourselves.  I am definitely guilty of kicking my own tail beyond whats necessary! I'll get so wound up in inspirational songs or thoughts that I' m extremely sore and achy for several days.

 Be careful to stay in balance before you over do the intensity on the treadmill, pavement, or in the gym. Listen to your body so that you can train longer and remain injury-free. Zeal is great but over zealousness can be a determent to your fitness goals. So have a fun and fit week, stay motivated, and attentive to your bodies needs. Happy training and health trails!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Moto!

Enough said keep it moving this Monday. Every step off the couch and into your running shoes is a step in the right direction. Stay motivated and happy training!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Life Lesson 5: Remember Your Why

"Its so easy to hit a wall in a run. Whether your at mile 2 or a 5k or mile 20 in a marathon."I read this quote from a motivational article in Women's Running Magazine. It inspired me to write about the next life lesson running has taught me. Its remembering why. Our why can get so lost in PR's and competing, and comparisons. In my Christian walk I have to remember who I serve and what pleases Him. He cares nothing for vanity but about your heart condition.

Every year around the middle of October, I am reminded of one  reason why I restarted my health and running journey. I walk the light the night walk for Leukemia and Lymphomia. 3 years ago in August my mother called me, on the way to my new job and told me she had Leukemia. My heart dropped and my world was rocked. Context to all of this my sister was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost a year prior to this. 

These diagnoses pushed me to take a hard look at my life and re-examine everything I consumed physically and mentally. Seeing the people closest to me suffer from sickness made me choose health on purpose. It became a way for me to support and motivate them to keep fighting.It is that moment, that memory in my mind I that revisit to put the disappointments into perspective. I have been given the ability have full use of my legs, lungs, and back. So how silly is it that I let the number on the clock, give me a mental block.
When I hit a wall in the middle of race, at the Women's Only it was at mile 2.9 at the Wounded Warrior half it was mile 11.5 I think of my mother and sister's faces. When I begin to criticize my running time, become critical of my strength, agility, or start losing my zeal for it all I go back to why. Running, although beneficial for me, is bigger than me. Its for my sister Yalonda, for my survivor mother, Carlottie, it for those who want to use their legs to walk but can't.

I must remember that it was a desire God put in my heart to encourage, inspire, and motivate others to be good stewards over the bodies God has given them. So as you continue to pursue running and health let get back to basic. Lets continue to remember our why. 
(Left to Right) My Aunts Ngozi and Brenda, myself, and my( "why")
mother at the 2012 Raleigh Light the Night walk.
My sister, my reason why, and me (2012) .


Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Moto!

Definitely motivated me this morning during my run. Hitting the finish line is important, but all the effort it took to get there is equally important. Celebrate your efforts folks and keep pushing to be your personal best. Happy training and healthy trails!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Race Results: Women's Only 5k

Signing the Care Link Mobile Truck for friends touched by breast cancer.
A huge wave of pink covered the streets of Greensboro this Saturday as more than 3000 runners and walkers gathers for the Women's Only 5k at the Womens Hospital. The expo was awesome. There was a booth for massages, skin care, Newbridge Bank, and varioud doctor offices. There was also wonderful jazzercise warm-up for children and adult runners. The route consisted of hills, hills, and more hills! How did I do?  Drum roll please!

 I didn't reach my PR of 25 minutes (sigh), my offical time was 27:22. Even thou my cardio trainer app clocked me at 26:50. On the bright side, for my age category (30-34) I placed 13th out of 365 women. Overall I was 99th out of 3167 ladies. So in the spirit of keeping it positive I must pat myself on the back.
So what did I learn. First I must work hills back into my routine once a week. Second I will continue my timed miles and running with my group. Third, I rememered to celebrate my successes. I will be honest and say that seeing my time on paper was dissappointing but it wasn't all about times and numbers. I supported a worthy cause, reunite with friends, spend the day with my favorite guy, and do one of my favorite things... run. This will definitely be an event I participate in again next year.

Bebe Ramzah, me, and ladies from the Fit Chicks!

Jazzercise for the Girls Only runners.

Friends from BGR always good motivators.

I.R.G. ProFile: Janice Lewis

This month's Inspired runner girl is the perfect picture of a life long runner. California native and Marine wife, Janice Lewis is October's I.R.G. (Inspired Runner Girl). Janice has lived in many places including Arizona and Colorado; and  has only incurred one major running injury in her running history. She married in 1975, while her husband was on leave in his hometown of, Palmetto Fl. She not only gained a life partner at the time, but I life long love for running.

Lexx:How long have you been running? What got you into it initally?
Jan:Started running after I met my husband in 1975.  He was 26 and I was 25.  He loved sports I would go and take pictures of him. Then he bought me my first pair of Nike Waffle trainers.  They were so expensive for that time frame in my life, I felt I had to use them. (Humor in the last statement), I was trading the  bad habit of smoking to a new habit of running.  He was supporting my efforts.

Lexx: What are some other things you do to stay fit and workout?

Jan: Zumba, Body Pump and casual biking not competitive biking.

Lexx: What inspires you to run?

Jan: Getting up early,(feeling) blessed with another day of good health, getting out the door and jump starting another day. My day is just not the same if I can't get a run in.  I want to stay healthy to enjoy my family in my older years. 

Lexx:What has been the biggest key to your longevity in running?

     Janice (on right) at the BonnieBell Race 1975 with her first child. 
Jan: Hard to explain after 30+  years of running, I would have to say the joy of being outside.  The way running can put your life into perspective, it became a lifestyle.  I have started to do yoga for runners routines, now, as I age.

One thing I have to say though, my best memories and motivated  times have been  when I could run with running groups.  Young or old, kids no kids, I just love being able to run with others, women primarily. 

Lexx: What was the first race you ever?

Jan: It was a race in SC, 1977 can't remember the name of it. 
Lexx: What has been your favorite distance to do (ex 5k, 10K, half or full) and Why?

Jan :Honestly I think the half is a nice race.  Don't have to run at such a speedy pace but feels like such an accomplishment for me when it is done. The full marathon takes up a lot of my time to train for.  I may still have another one in me thou.  

Lexx: What are some things you do to train for long distance events?

Jan: Drink more water . I like supplementing organic barley, nutritional yeast, and  a daily vitamin. I also eat many small amounts of healthy food whenever I get hungry. Small portions, high fiber, low sugar, and protein drinks.

Lexx: I know you have lived in several different cities. What has been your favorite place to run and why?

Jan: San Diego, CA.  because it  has plenty of health food stores.  I love the climate, no humidity and the terrain. Hills or flat whatever you want, you can find.  (There were also) great women running groups with the the time I was there. 1978, my husband was a Drill Instructor and had very little time to help watch our child so I would take my daughter to the sitter there, and then meet up with the other ladies. 

Lexx: Do you have any dream races, that you'd like to do but haven't? For example The Boston Marathon or the Eclipse Marathon in Australia (doesn't have to be these any that you could think of).

Jan: There used to be a Marathon in the Red Woods Forest of California not even sure if it still exist...  or the race near Niagara Falls through Canada.  Somewhere scenic.  Always beware when the route says scenic, by the way......Hills Hills Hills.    I love the mountains but, realistically maybe the OBX Marathon.

Lexx: What if any advice would you offer to other new women runners?

Jan: Set goals but  be flexible, don't beat yourself up over a bad run day. Run with a faster partner sometimes.  Do not do too much too soon.  Don't increase distance, speed work and hills all at once.  (Finally), as you age continue to enjoy your level of running and forget what you used to do.  Just continue "to do".





Thursday, October 4, 2012

Training Log: Strength Training

Twice a week I incorporate strength training into my routine. The past month I've devoted a day to upper and core, and one two lower for 35 to 45 minutes after a run session or as second workout for the day. Strength training improves your endurance and can help you prevent injury. Since my injury in May I make sure I don't skip out on my strength days, especially lower body day.

Note to newbies be sure to include exercises that strengthen your glutes and perform one-legged exercises. Day to day walking makes you work your hammies and quads but your glutes are truly under utilized. Well that's what I discovered about myself. I have one side that misfires and puts extra stress on my back and shortens my hip flexors. My chiropractor and doctor gave me some physical therapy stretches to do, which have strengthen my weak areas.

According corrective exercise specialist, Mike Robertson on bilateral lower-body exercises such as squats and deadlifts are great for strengthening your lower-body muscles. However, single-leg exercises are better for preventing injuries. The unbalanced nature of single leg exercises like split squats, will increase your balance, proprioception, and joint strength much more quickly when focusing on unilateral movements over bilateral ones.
Below I have included a sample of one my workouts from the last week. When I can't make it to the gym to do my own workout, I am a faithful p90x fan. I have already gone through the 90 day process so I use the dvds to focus on what I choose for the day. The legs and back dvd as well as the Core Synergisitcs dvd have awesome routines that really help work all the lower body muscles you need for running.

Circuit One (repeated 3 times)
Curtsie Lunges 10- 12 each leg (12 -15 lb weight)
Wall Squats 1minute
Step Ups on stool 8-10 reps each leg leads holding 10lb dumbbell

Circuit Two (repeated 3 times)
3 way lungs (front, side, and back directions) each leg 12 lbs 8reps each leg
Bridge on yoga ball 3 sets 8-10 reps
Squat with calf raise 10- 12 reps
One legged deadlift 10-12 reps each leg

Wall Squats

One legged-deadlift starting position

Ending position one legged deadlift

Race Day Countdown: Women's Only 5k

So all my hardwork is down to 2 days before race. I'll be participating in the 20th Anniversary Women's Only 5k in Greensboro, NC  October 6th. The race benefits Mammography Scholarship Fund at  Greensboro's Women's Hospital, which provides screening mammograms for women who cannot afford them. The race is also one the largest Women's Only races in the Country!

 I 'm truly excited to go back to my old stomping, Greensboro. However, I'm even more excited to reunite with my BGR-G sisters (Black Girls Run- Greensboro). According to their facebook page there are 58 members who have committed to go. Running with them will definitely keep me motivated to make my 25 minute PR.

This week my training consisted of a long run on Sunday, core yoga on Monday, two mile timed run and lower body strength Tuesday, iron yoga Wednesday, and an easy run today. I feel really confident going into this race knowing that I listened to my body, stretched, and saved my legs where I needed. I always say the key to a good race day is a great mind set grounded in a positive attitude. I'm going to keep my PR goal and a mental picture of  all the fun to be had afterwards in the forefront of my mind. Can't wait to update you on the outcomes! Happy Racing All!

Semper Inspired Runner Girl
Me and my BGR-G sisters before the Coopers Bridge Run March 2012.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Get out there and hit the pavement, the trails, the gym, the workplace, whatever you must face and be your best at it and in it. Remember with Him all things are possible. He's already conquered it all so, keep the faith, do your best, and forget the rest.
Semper Inspired Runner Girl

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Speed Training Adjustments

Since the last 5k (time 27:30) I've made some adjustments to my speed training. Before I was doing the typical tempo or speed work (speed intervals) only to build speed. For the past two weeks I have incorporated short timed runs  in lieu of one easy run.

A running coach and friend of mine told me that if I wanted to make my PR, I needed to focus more on my short distance training runs. Her advice was to begin with one-milers at my fastest speed twice a week then build up two miles in two weeks and so on/

The results have good so far. After 3 weeks of doing this an increase in my natural pace on easy and long runs. I have also be running with my new running group mates more frequently. Many of them are faster runners which has really help me push for a swifter pace on tempo and faster finish run days.  I am currently 6 days out from my next 5k so hopefully I'll reap great benefits from the changes.

Back in Business!!

After much delay with a damaged laptop S.I.R.G. is back in business and ready to keep you all updated. Thank you to everyone who has supported the site by commenting and visiting the pages. Please stay tuned and click the follow button on the page or friend the site. Happy training on trails.

Semper Inspired Runner Girl

Monday, September 17, 2012


Thought I'd add two moto pics this week. If you realize your a force to be reckoned with you own your power. Be fierce in the workplace, in gym and on the trails. With God all things are possible! Happy Monday all!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tower to Tunnel Outcomes

Well I didn't achieve my goal of a 5k in 25 minutes (yet), but I made a new personal best 27:30. (Woo hoo!)The great thing about running an event is that it gives you an opportunity to reflect on your performance. Then you use that reflection to adjust your training. The key for me will be pacing, speed work and more speed work. I ran faster over all which is great, but if I started out too fast. I have got a few tips from a running coach and friend of mine that I'm going to try so I'll keep you all posted.

Some inspiring moments of the event included seeing the children finish with their parents. One little girl ran while wearing her fathers firefighter trousers. Another hobbled in with a hurt ankle as her father helped her through the finish line. The most inspiring moment is captured below. A Onslow County fireman completed the entire event in full  gear, carrying the heroes' flag, and was accompanied by marines. He was welcomed by cheers and applause it was an overwhelmingly patriotic moment. Shout outs to Erica from the Women's Running Club of Jacksonville. I she took home one of the  overall winner spots for women.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life Lesson 3: Looking beyond the odds

"Don't consider your odds, consider how big God is". This quote by Joel Olsteen gave me such perspective this week as I faced some challenges in running and in life. How refreshing and so true.  The reason I love running so much is because there is a moment when I take off the headphones, I look at the surroundings God has created, and listen for the still small voice that He uses to speak to me. I turn off my thoughts and surrender my mind to receive the things that God has to say.

Whatever we meditate on becomes our reality.There are so many negative messages we feed ourselves when we have a goal or dream we're pursuing. "I'll never be  smaller than a size...", " Its too hard", "I'll never be fast enough" and so on. When we focus on what "is" instead of remembering its just a journey to were we are going we limit ourselves.

In my own journey with running I struggle with a few things. At times I get discouraged because I'm not as fast as I would like to be. Or because I have yet to recruit more runners for a group in my area.  But in considering God and not my odds, I have see that this is temporary. If God helped me maintain a 25-30 lb weight lost for 5 yrs, delivered me from chest pain, migraines, and help me run a half-marathon when I year ago I couldn't run a mile, surely He can get me through these challenges.

Its in that quiet moment, no headphones, heart pumping, sweat rolling, and mind surrendered that I reaffirm how big God is in my life. God never promised that we would be without challenges but that He would never leave us (Deuteronomy 37:8-9). This is not limited to bills or relationships but also includes are health and fitness goals. There is nothing too big or too small for God. Yes we must face our situations honestly but never lose hope in improving them.

So going forth let's remember to speak the things about our health and life goals that God says.The odds may seem stacked against us but " nothing is impossible to those who have even a little faith (Matt 17:20)."



Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lifestyle Change = Results

Inspired by the request of few friends for personal training sessions. I thought I post a review of the book that changed my life. I saw a quote that said abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym, which in my opinion is very true. You'll never reach your weight loss goals unless you change your eating habits and how you perceive what you consume. Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furham truly change my perception of food and helped me begin a spiritual, mental, and pyhsical journey toward healthy living.

I implore readers to read the book in its entirety before viewing the diet plans in the back. I made this mistake when I first got the book. It wasn't until my mother diagnosis of Leukemia and sister with MS that I did it the right way. Reading Dr. Furhman's explanations of how the FDA rates foods, trends in the American diet, and the truth about animal proteins and phytochemicals made me more willing to follow the plan

Once I followed the diet plan and cleansed my system of  processed and dairy foods, my body fat percentage decreased, I no longer suffered from sinus drainage and headaches, and acid reflux. Week one of the transformation was rough but the knowledge gained form the book strengthened my dedication to the process. It been almost five years since I started the process. Although I reintroduced meat and some cheese into my diet some things have remained absolutes in my lifestyle. I do not eat eating but beans or unsalted tomatoes from a can, I don't use white flour or white bread, I eat 100% whole grain products, I read labels cafefully before I make purchases, and I limit my meat intake to 3-4 oz a day. (Just to name a few changes).

So before you invested in an expense gym membership or personal trainer with faulty expectations, Examine your diet and how you perceive your food. Your hard work in the gym will be jeopardized if you don't change what you put into your body and how you cook it. Changing your body and athletic ability is about a lifestyle change not a diet.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Event News: Tower to Tunnel 5k September 15

After much delay I am finally registered for this year's Stephen Siller Tower to Tunnel 5k.  This the second year the event is taking place and the second year I've participated in it. If you are a newbie to running and live in or around Jacksonville  this is a great first 5k. The course is flat and run through downtown. The police and patriot guard block the roads for runners, and people from the neighbors on the course come out and cheer you on as you run. 

50% of the proceeds benefit the Jacksonville USO, specifically Cpl. JB Kerns, who was stationed with 2nd CEB and injured in April of last year. The other 50% benefit the Tunnel to Tower Foundation partnership with Building for America's Bravest.

I am hoping to reach a PR of at least 25 minutes for this one but if not as long as I beat 28:30. My last year I ran the course in 29 minutes but with a year under my belt I am hoping for more. This year I'll also be accompanied by some of the ladies from the Women's Running Club of Jacksonville. Its not to late to sign up, preregistration is $25. All those who preregister will be entered for a drawing to win a WII. Check out the event at and happy trails.