"Don't consider your odds, consider how big God is". This quote by Joel Olsteen gave me such perspective this week as I faced some challenges in running and in life. How refreshing and so true. The reason I love running so much is because there is a moment when I take off the headphones, I look at the surroundings God has created, and listen for the still small voice that He uses to speak to me. I turn off my thoughts and surrender my mind to receive the things that God has to say.
Whatever we meditate on becomes our reality.There are so many negative messages we feed ourselves when we have a goal or dream we're pursuing. "I'll never be smaller than a size...", " Its too hard", "I'll never be fast enough" and so on. When we focus on what "is" instead of remembering its just a journey to were we are going we limit ourselves.

In my own journey with running I struggle with a few things. At times I get discouraged because I'm not as fast as I would like to be. Or because I have yet to recruit more runners for a group in my area. But in considering God and not my odds, I have see that this is temporary. If God helped me maintain a 25-30 lb weight lost for 5 yrs, delivered me from chest pain, migraines, and help me run a half-marathon when I year ago I couldn't run a mile, surely He can get me through these challenges.
Its in that quiet moment, no headphones, heart pumping, sweat rolling, and mind surrendered that I reaffirm how big God is in my life. God never promised that we would be without challenges but that He would never leave us (Deuteronomy 37:8-9). This is not limited to bills or relationships but also includes are health and fitness goals. There is nothing too big or too small for God. Yes we must face our situations honestly but never lose hope in improving them.
So going forth let's remember to speak the things about our health and life goals that God says.The odds may seem stacked against us but " nothing is impossible to those who have even a little faith (Matt 17:20)."