Monday, December 31, 2012

Final Moto for 2012

Everyday is an opportunity to live your best life now. If you fall short of your goals make a decision to pick your self  up and make baby steps toward your mark. After all doing what you've always done will get you what you already have. My prayer is that each person reading this site made great efforts and progress toward living a healthier and balanced life this year. If you didn't, use this moment to set goals for a new life (not a resolution) for 2013. Make your goals realistic, obtainable, and manageable. God bless you and yours. Happy new years and a healthy journey into 2013.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Adjusting fitness for Life Changes

The first trimester comes with more changes that one could ever imagine. The biggest change is the constant tiredness and food aversion. It seems that our little blessing has decided that anything healthy on mommy’s normal eating schedule was out of the question. (Atleast up until week 7).

On the flip side, thinking ahead and educating myself has paid off. Literature from my doctor, baby, and fit pregnancy has all helped me discovery that even in pregnancy running and exercise are my friends.  Since the baby is using most of what I consume to grow, I’m left with very little energy. After I fight the urge to take an extra nap after work I hit the gym. Magically my nausea and tiredness are abated until the next day.
Since this is the only time in my life where gaining weight instead of losing at a healthy rate is required, I focus more on maintaining than competing. I am also taking advance of this non-competition to take more fun classes. The goal over all is to keep moving and get the energy for day-to day activities for me and my baby. Below are typical workout weeks before and during  pregnancy.
As the weeks and months proceed I’m sure that my physical changes will require further adjusting to this schedule. However, I’m totally confident that I will keep hitting the treadmill or pavement until the baby or the doctor says stop. After all, fitness is a lifestyle and I intend on passing it on to our addition.
Pre- Pregrancy  Training
Sunday- Rest or Yoga
Monday-3-4 mi. Easy Run
Tuesday- Strength  Training (upper body) 1hr
Wed- Tempo Run or Speed work (3-6 miles) and Zumba
Thursday-Strength Training (lower body) 1 hr
Saturday-Long Run (6-9 miles)
Pregnancy Maintenance
Monday- Easy Run (2-3 miles) or yoga
Tuesday- Strength Training  
Wednesday- Zumba or Step class
Thursday- 30 minute jog and 20 minutes or strength training
Friday- Rest or Power Yoga
Saturday- Zumba
Sunday- Yoga or Rest

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Moto!

Dont wait for the holidays to pass or the new year to start to get started, or restarted on living healthy. Everyday is not promised so make the best of  your today. Walk until you jog, jog until you can run, dance, ride a bike, or whatever you like to do. Just get started and be fit! Happy Holidays and Healthy Training!

 - Lexx

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Moto!

Even if it means hitting the tredmill keep up with your running routine. The cold mornings and evenings make it rough, but losing what you work so hard to build (speed, stamina, strength, lost inches) is even tougher! Happy Training!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Fitness 5k : Race Season 2012 Wrapped Up

This weekend I completed The Physical Therapy Clinics Merry Fitness 5k. I gathered with the ladies of the Womens Running Club to do one last event for the year. My goal at the beginning of the fall season was to complete a 5k in 25 minutes. Well I didn't make my goal this year partly because pregnancy has slowed me down. The past two weeks have also been filled with a minor back strain, constant nausea, and a head cold. I knew going into the event that I hadn't done my normal training so I made up my mind to just finish strong. For the first time I can say that I completed a race merely for the fun of it.

I finished in 30:11 seconds. My average pace 9:56, which is slow. Never the less, I ran the entire time and wasnt winded. It really helped seeing the kids put their best foot forward and having my running group mates there to motivate each other.

Merry Fitness 5k was a great family event. Money raised benfited Girls on the Run of Wilmington. There were lots children particpating with youth groups, schools, and with thier parents. Its always great to see kids getting outdoors and running. People dressed up as elves and in Christmas colors, which created a festive atmosphere.

Running for Two

So its been quite some time since I have updated the blog. My apologies to all my friends and readers. Three weeks ago I found out we  (my husband and I) were having a baby. The news came with much excitement and with some physical changes.

I knew that pregnancy would make me tired but I didn't realize how much it would affect my running. At my around nine weeks my pace has definitely slowed. Part of this is due to hormonal changes but the other part is because my eating is not what it was a month ago. Truthfully I haven't been eating nearly as many veggies but and eating out more carbs than normal because of the morning sickness. As  a result feel heavy when I run. My brain is saying move faster but my legs aren't listening.

Despite my urge to lay down, I've managed to keep the fitness train moving. In doing so I've been able to combat some of my morning/ afternoon nausea and some of the exhaustion associated with it. While I still have more growing and changing to do as running mama to be there are a few things that I do to keep myself motivated and encouraged on the pavement.
  1. Run with friends- running with my group has motivated me to get out and run when sleep is calling me.
  2. Listen to my body- I've been a little discouraged because I'm moving slower but my motto new  is better slow than not at all. If I feel good I push, if I'm tired I shuffle or walk  until I reach my time or distance goal for the day. 
  3. Keep my routine fresh - More than before I try to incorporate different group exercise classes and use exercise on demand videos to keep my mind motivated.